File format
As a general rule, you can send us your final file in any of the following formats:
Check PDF / X-3-2002 option as PDF value when exporting final document
Files saved as JPG are a good choice for exporting your works for large printing.
TIFF files tend to be very heavy for delivery, it is not a highly recommended choice
* For files sent in PDF, we recommend attaching JPG of the final design at low resolution, this will check the correct location of the document layers.
However, there are some products that only accept a certain type of format, so we recommend consulting the instructions for each product to verify this information.
Format orientation
The orientation of the format must match the option selected in the order settings. Remember to enter the width (base) of the document first and then the height of the document. This is important to determine the correct arrangement of accessories, such as eyelets, reinforcements, sheaths …
When your order includes pieces of different materials and sizes, reflect these details in the file name.


Document resolution and scale
For the printing of pieces up to 3m in length for its longest part, the optimal resolution of a document is between 100-150 dpi (pixels / inch) at 1: 1 scale (actual size) of the final image to be printed . For designs larger than 3m, a resolution of 100 dpi is sufficient to achieve a good result.

Remember that poor resolution can lead to poor quality finishes, such as blurred text or images.
Color and ICC Profile
Final artwork must be submitted in CMYK color mode. A common mistake is to submit files in RGB, a valid color mode for displays but not for printing. You can modify the color mode of your documents through the following routes depending on the software used:
Adobe Illustrator: File> Document Color Mode> CMYK Color
Adobe Indesign: Editing> Transparency Blending Space> Document CMYK
Adobe Photoshop: Image> Mode> CMYK Color

To ensure optimal reproduction of the colors * in your design, it is necessary to assign the appropriate color profile to your documents. in Impact Graphics uses the FOGRA39 Coated Color Profile (ISO 12647-2: 2004). You can assign the color profile to your documents through the following path:
Adobe Illustrator / Indesign / Photshop: Edit> Assign Profile
Files generated with different profiles will be converted with this standard separation profile: Coated FOGRA39 (ISO 12647-2: 2004).
* Due to the physical-chemical processes generated in the printing processes, inks react differently depending on the medium used for printing. Note that, for example, some materials absorb more ink than others. For this reason, and despite having state-of-the-art printing equipment, unfortunately we cannot guarantee the exact reproduction according to the colors shown on screen. Color deviations generated for this reason cannot be a reason for complaint.
PANTONE references
If your document includes graphic elements with PANTONE references, we recommend applying these colors directly from the PANTONE + Solid Coated library of the software used. Despite not using real spot colors, the printed result will be significantly closer to the desired color if it refers to the original formula and not to its CMYK equivalent.
You can apply direct references to PANTONE colors through the following routes depending on the software used:

- Adobe Illustrator: In the Swatches panel, click the Swatch Libraries Menu button and select Color Books> PANTONE + Solid Coated
- Adobe Indesign: In the Swatches panel, click the drop-down menu and select New Color Swatch> Color Type: Spot Ink | Color Mode: PANTONE + Solid Coated
- Adobe Photoshop: In the Swatches panel, click the drop-down menu and select PANTONE + Solid Coated
Note: Photoshop prints spot colors on CMYK (four-color) plates, so the resulting color will be the closest CMYK equivalency to the selected PANTONE reference. To get a direct reference, we recommend that you generate a vector PDF document with Illustrator and fill in the desired graphic elements with references extracted from the PANTONE + Solid Coated library.
Correct creation of blacks
En ocasiones, el color negro requiere una atención especial. Puedes conseguir un negro enriquecido utilizando los siguientes valores: C: 65 M: 35 Y: 35 K: 100. Estos valores son aptos para elementos gráficos. Para textos, sin embargo, te recomendamos utilizar el negro 100K (C0 M0 Y0 K100).

Puedes configurar la apariencia de negro en Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Indesign a través de la siguiente ruta: Edición> Preferencias> Apariencia de Negro
En Photoshop, puedes comprobar los valores del color situado bajo el puntero en la pestaña Información (Para visualizarla: Ventana> Información)
If your document contains transparency effects (such as objects with soft shading or gradients), we recommend you rasterize all of it and choose, in these cases, to submit the final art in TIFF format. In this way, the possibility of errors with respect to other transparency handling processes such as flattening is reduced. Although flattening splits a transparent artwork into vector-based zones and raster areas, we cannot guarantee a “stitching” effect (probably unwanted) where rasters and vectors coincide.
You can export a TIFF format directly from Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop: File> Export> Select TIFF Format
Bleeding Image
For pieces with a silhouetted contour / multiple cut always include a 2 mm bleed along the perimeter of the area to be printed, this will avoid possible white margins during the cutting process.

Square / Rectangular cut mode does not require a bleed margin. You must send us your file adjusted to the measures you have entered in the Budget Configurator, unless the default template of the product indicates otherwise.

The safety distance is directly related to the dimensions of the document and it is difficult to establish an absolute reference. Our advice is that you leave a minimum safety distance of 2.7% from the longest part of the piece, both vertically and horizontally. If your final piece is made with reinforcement or eyelets, you must calculate 2.7% of the longest part without counting the width of the finish and add 5 cm to the result.